Submissions from 2024
Silencing Jorge Luis Borges The Wrongful Suppression of the Di Giovanni Translations, Wes Henricksen
Silencing Jorge Luis Borges: The Wrongful Suppression of the di Giovanni Translations, Wes Henricksen
Tyrannical HOAs and How to Reign in Their Foreclosure Power and Further Protect Homeowners, Juliette Koves
Submissions from 2023
Federal Environmental Justice Legislation and Regulations, Nadia B. Ahmad
Synthesizing Energy Transitions, Nadia B. Ahmad
Climate Chauvinism: Rethinking Loss & Damage, Nadia B. Ahmad and Victoria Beatty
"Reconstituting China's Periphery" in Routledge Handbook of Constitutional Law in Greater China, Jason Buhi
Rachel E. Deming, The Big Chill: Are Public Participation Rights Being Slapp-Ed?, Rachel E. Deming
Borges's Most Problematic Translator, Wes Henricksen
The Stolen Election Lie and the Freedom of Speech, Wes Henricksen
Dying in Isolation: Public Health Implications of Transportation and Burial of Human Remains During a Pandemic: A Fifty State Survey, Christopher Ogolla
Submissions from 2022
The Cliodynamics of Mass Incarceration, Climate Change, and “Chains on Our Feet”, Nadia B. Ahmad
State Attorneys General and the Public Nuisance Doctrine: Lessons to Be Derived from State Ex Rel. Attorney General of Oklahoma v. Johnson & Johnson, John S. Baker Jr and Joanmarie Davoli
No-One Receives Psychiatric Treatment in a Squad Car, Judy A. Clausen and Joanmarie Davoli
Evolving Standards of Irrelevancy?, Joanmarie Davoli
The Dobbs Effect: Abortion Rights in the Rear-View Mirror and the Civil Rights Crisis that Lies Ahead, Terri R. Day and Danielle Weatherby
Disinformation and the First Amendment: Fraud on the Public, Wes Henricksen
"Selecting Journal Candidates" in SCRIBES Manual for Law Review Editors, Wes Henricksen
Why Jorge Luis Borges Still Matters, Wes Henricksen
The Legal List: Research on the Internet, Jason Murray
Emotional Distress Recovery for Mishandling of Human Remains: A Fifty State Survey, Christopher Ogolla
Langdell and the Foundation of Classical Contract Law, Daniel P. O'Gorman
Navigating the Ethical Cliff of Public Service, Kan Samuel
Submissions from 2021
Environmental Law as Segregation, Nadia B. Ahmad and Melissa Bryan
Immigration Detention: Eroding or Reinforcing a Theory of Immigration Exceptionalism?, Kate Aschenbrenner
Time to Panic! The Need for State Laws Mandating Panic Buttons and Anti-Sexual Harassment Policies to Protect Vulnerable Employees in the Hotel Industry, Kristy D'Angelo-Corker
Deceive, Profit, Repeat: Public Deception Schemes to Conceal Product Dangers, Wes Henricksen
Fraud Law and Misinfodemics, Wes Henricksen
Practicing the Be Practice Ready: Making Competent Legal Researchers Using the New Process and Practice Method, Jason Murray
Oliver Wendell Holmes's Theory of Contract Law at the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Daniel P. O'Gorman
Submissions from 2020
Climate Cages: Connecting Migration, the Carceral State, Extinction Rebellion, and the Coronavirus through Cicero and 21 Savage, Nadia B. Ahmad
Faith-Based Approaches to Ecological Harmony and Environmental Protection, Nadia B. Ahmad
IRENA at 10: Post Paris Transitions and Energy Diplomacy beyond OPEC, the Energy Charter Treaty, and the Coronavirus, Nadia B. Ahmad
America's New Covenant with Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019, Jason Buhi
Corporate Social Responsibility, Casino Capitalism, and the Constitution of Macau, Jason Buhi
Playing Politics with Executions Abuse of Executive Discretion, Joanmarie Davoli
Intended Injury: Transferred Intent and Reliance in Climate Change Fraud, Wes Henricksen
As Seen Through the Eye of the Camera: A Portrayal of How Cultural Changes Societal Shifts and the Fight for Gender Equality Transformed the Law of Divorce, Taylor Simpson-Wood
The Precarious Position of the Fourth Estate in Trumptopia: The Role of Popular Culture and the Law in Protecting Media Freedom, Taylor Simpson-Wood
Submissions from 2019
Mask off - the Coloniality of Environmental Justice, Nadia B. Ahmad
The Second International Conference on Climate, Nature, and Society: Selected Conference Excerpts, Nadia B. Ahmad
Don't Call Me Sweetheart: Why the ABA's New Rule Addressing Harrassment and Discrimination is So Important for Women Working in the Legal Profession Today, Kristy D'Angelo-Corker
When Less is More: The Limitless Potential of Limited Scope Representation to Increase Access to Justice for Low- to Moderate-Income Individuals, Kristy D'Angelo-Corker
Scientific Knowledge Fraud, Wes Henricksen
Tenure Matters: The Anatomy of Tenure and Academic Survival in American Legal Education, Stephen J. Leacock
Death Be Not Strange. The Montreal Convention’s Mislabeling of Human Remains as Cargo and Its Near Unbreakable Liability Limits, Christopher Ogolla
Learned Hand and the Objective Theory of Contract Interpretation, Daniel P. O'Gorman
The Lawyer as Superhero: How Marvel Comics' Daredevil Depicts the American Court System and Legal Practice, Louis Michael Rosen
Taxing Combat, Kan Samuel
U.S. Tax Reform: Considerations for Service Members [notes], Kan Samuel
Lawful Searches Incident to Unlawful Arrests: A Reform Proposal, Mark A. Summers
Submissions from 2018
Energy for Metropolis, Nadia B. Ahmad
Responsive Regulation and Resiliency: The Renewable Fuel Standard and Advanced Biofuels, Nadia B. Ahmad
Eroding Immigration Exceptionalism: Administrative Law in the Supreme Court's Immigration Jurisprudence, Kate Aschenbrenner
Peddling Ignorance: A New Falsity Standard for Scientific Knowledge Fraud Cases, Wes Henricksen
Police Ignorance and Mistake of Law under the Fourth Amendment, Eang L. Ngov
Contract Law's Predominant Purpose Test and the Law-Fact Distinction, Daniel P. O'Gorman
Sign or Die: The Threat of Imminent Physical Harm and the Doctrine of Duress in Contract Law, Daniel P. O'Gorman
When Popular Culture and the NFL Collide: Fan Responsibility in Ending the Concussion Crisis, Taylor Simpson-Wood
Submissions from 2017
Blood Biofuels, Nadia B. Ahmad
The Baseline Bar, Nadia B. Ahmad
Trust or Bust: Complications with Tribal Trust Obligations and Environmental Sovereignty, Nadia B. Ahmad
Contemplating Masterpiece Cakeshop, Terri R. Day
Under International Law, Must a Ship on the High Seas Fly the Flag of a State in Order to A void Being a Stateless Vessel? Is a Flag Painted on Either Side of the Ship Sufficient to Identify it?, Barry Hart Dubner and Mary Carmen Arias
Holier Than You and Me: 'Religious Liberty' is the New Bully Pulpit and its Meaning is Endangering Our Way of Life, Marsha B. Freeman
Not So Very Bad Beginnings: What Fiction Can Teach Lawyers about Beginning a Persuasive Legal Narrative before a Court, Cathren Koehlert-Page
A Rock Unturned: Justice Scalia's (Unfinished) Crusade Against the Seminole Rock Deference Doctrine, Kevin O. Leske
Assisted Reproduction Inequality and Marriage Equality, Seema Mohapatra
Qualitative Diversity: Affirmative Action's New Reframe, Eang L. Ngov
Contracts, Causation, and Clarity, Daniel P. O'Gorman
Irreconcilable Similarities: The Inconsistent Analysis of 212(C) and 212(H) Waivers, Kate Aschenbrenner Rodriguez
Submissions from 2016
Stepfamilies Are Becoming the Norm, So Let's Retire Cinderella: How Stepfamilies Can Learn to Thrive, Glen-Peter Ahlers Sr.
International Environmental Law and the Global South Edited by Shawket Alam, Sumudu Atapattu, Carmen G. Gonzalez, and Jona Razzaque, Nadia B. Ahmad
Sleuthing Scientific Evidence Information on the Internet, Diana Botluk
Address: The Civil Rights Approach to Campus Sexual Violence, Nancy Chi Cantalupo
For the Title IX Civil Rights Movement: Congratulations and Cautions, Nancy Chi Cantalupo
LGBT Rights and the Mini-RFRA: A Return to Separate but Equal, Terri R. Day and Danielle Weatherby
The Case for LGBT Equality: Reviving the Political Process Doctrine and Repurposing the Dormant Commerce Clause, Terri R. Day and Danielle Weatherby
A Tale of Two Continents: Environmental Management-Based Regulation in the European Union and the United States, Rachel E. Deming
The Human Rights of Sea Pirates: Will the European Court of Human Rights Decisions Get More Killed?, Barry Hart Dubner and Brian Othero
From Simple Statements to Heartbreaking Photographs and Videos: An Interdisciplinary Examination of Victim Impact Evidence in Criminal Cases, Mitchell J. Frank
Liberal, Conservative, and Political: The Supreme Court's Impact on the American Family in the Uber-Partisan Era, Marsha B. Freeman
Vexatious Litigants and the ADA: Strategies to Fairly Address the Need to Improve Access for Individuals with Disabilities, Helia Garrido Hull
Breaking Bad Facts: How Intriguing Contradictions in Fiction Can Teach Lawyers to Re-Envision Harmful Evidence, Cathren Koehlert-Page
Pulse: Finding the Meaning in a Massacre Through Gay Latino Intersectional Justice, Judith E. Koons
Lack of Marketability and Minority Discounts in Valuing Close Corporation Stock: Elusiveness and Judicial Synchrony in Pursuit of Equitable Consensus, Stephen J. Leacock