Child and Family Law Journal

Article Title
This article addresses an issue relevant to all working parents: paid parental leave. The United States is the only industrialized nation in the world to not guarantee paid leave for parents. Substantial research and studies have documented numerous benefits correlated to paid parental leave including increased workforce participation, health benefits for both children and parents, reduced gender stereotypes, and more. Unfortunately, many fathers are stigmatized when they choose to take family leave; therefore, making leave mandatory is necessary to reduce this stigma. Current paternity leave policies in the United States will be analyzed under the FMLA, individual states, and private companies compared to France and the European Union’s paid paternity leave to conclude that implementing a similar policy in the United States would yield many positive benefits.
Recommended Citation
Bergmann, Emily
"Parental Leave in the United States: Why the United States Should Follow France in Implementing Mandatory Paid Paternal Leave,"
Child and Family Law Journal: Vol. 9:
1, Article 7.
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