Child and Family Law Journal

22.3 percent.1 This is the percentage of the population of the United States under the age of 18. These three words should come to mind: growth, family, and safety. Unfortunately, just because these words come to mind, does not mean these are a reality for our youth. The Adverse Childhood Experience (ACEs) study explores our youth’s mental, emotional, and social well-being across a wide sample with some disturbing results.
As we de-code what exactly ACEs entails, we can learn to predict, diagnose, and ultimately prevent negative environments our youth are involved in. Prioritizing these prevention efforts can eventually lead to the avoidance altogether of these adverse experiences resulting in a residual rise in positive change for this 22.3 percent. This effort does not stand alone but does begin somewhere, and somewhere is you, YOU being the parents.
Recommended Citation
Cobb, Patrick
"The Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on the Future of Our Youth,"
Child and Family Law Journal: Vol. 11:
1, Article 2.
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