Home > Barry Law Review > Vol. 13 > Iss. 1 (2009)
The Fair Labor Standards Act Exemptions and the Pharmaceuticals Industry: Are Sales Representatives Entitled to Overtime?Steven I. Locke
The Decline and Fall of the American Judicial Opinion, Part II: Back to the Future from the Roberts Court to Learned Hand – Segmentation, Audience, and the Opportunity of Justice SotomayorJeffrey A. Van Detta
When the School Bully Attacks in the Living Room: Using Tinker to Regulate Off-Campus Student CyberbullyingKarly Zande
Goodbye Forfeiture, Hello Waiver: The Effect of Giles v. CaliforniaMonica J. Smith
Solutions for Disputes over Intellectual Property Between Taiwan and China – Analyzing ArbitrationSzu-Chou Peng and Fu-Jung Wu
On the Evolution of the Law of International Sea Piracy: How Property Trumped Human Rights, the Environment and the Sovereign Rights of States in the Areas of the Creation and Enforcement of JurisdictionLeticia M. Diaz and Barry Hart Dubner
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ISSN: 2333-4053