Content Posted in 2017
Adoption Law In The United States: A PathFinder, Glen-Peter Ahlers Sr.
An Overview Of The Zika Virus Epidemic And What America Can Do To Prevent The Spread Of The Virus In The Future, Alexandra Parrish
A Proposal to Allow the Presentation of Mitigation in Juvenile Court So That Juvenile Charges May Be Expunged in Appropriate Cases, Katherine I. Puzone
A Rock Unturned: Justice Scalia's (Unfinished) Crusade Against the Seminole Rock Deference Doctrine, Kevin O. Leske
Assisted Reproduction Inequality and Marriage Equality, Seema Mohapatra
Book Review: Casting Of the Canon: Family Law Reimagined,, Jill Elaine Hasday and Laurie S. Kohn
Breaking Bad Facts: How Intriguing Contradictions in Fiction Can Teach Lawyers to Re-Envision Harmful Evidence, Cathren Koehlert-Page
Child Abuse In Nigeria: Dimension, Reasons For Its Persistence And Probable, Olaitan O. Olusegun and Amos A. Idowu
Childhood Obesity As Child Abuse: Criminalizing Parents For Raising Obese Children, Lizet Dominguez
Chipping Away at the Rock: Perez v. Mortgage Bankers Association and the Seminole Rock Deference Doctrine, Kevin O. Leske
Clean Power Plan, Janice Chon
Closing a Parol Evidence Rule Loophole: The Consideration Exception and the Preexisting Duty Rule, Daniel P. O'Gorman
Contingent Constitutionality, Legislative Facts, and Campaign Finance, Michael T. Morley
Contracts, Causation, and Clarity, Daniel P. O'Gorman
Defining Parenthood: Evolution or Pendulum Swing?
Discretionary (In)Justice: The Exercise of Discretion in Claims for Asylum, Kate Aschenbrenner Rodriguez
Editorial Board and Table of Contents
Editorial Board and Table of Contents
Expanding the Slayer Rule in Florida: Why Elder Abuse Should Trigger Disinheritance, Natasa Glisic
Fair Use and the New Transformative, Brian Sites
Find My Criminals: Fourth Amendment Implications of the Universal Cell Phone "App" that Every Cell Phone User Has but No Criminal Wants, Christopher Joseph
Hindering Permanency, One Ineffective Assistance of Counsel Claim at a Time, Michael Andriano Esq.
Holier Than You and Me: 'Religious Liberty' is the New Bully Pulpit and its Meaning is Endangering Our Way of Life, Marsha B. Freeman
How Social Media is Affecting the Lives of Minors Including Current Legal Safeguards and their Weaknesses, Erin Carpenter
Intercountry Adoption As A Solution To The Problem Of The United States Foster Care Children Waiting To Be Adopted, Chelsie Morgan
Irreconcilable Similarities: The Inconsistent Analysis of 212(C) and 212(H) Waivers, Kate Aschenbrenner Rodriguez
It's All Downhill From Here: How the Nation's Dispute With Clean Water Act Jurisdiction Is Solved, Spencer H. Newman
"Jury of My Peers": The Significance of a Racially Representative Jury for Juveniles in Adult Court, Clyde Lemon
LGBT Rights and the Mini-RFRA: A Return to Separate but Equal, Terri R. Day and Danielle Weatherby
Major Questions About the "Major Questions" Doctrine, Kevin O. Leske
Mother, May I? No, You May Not! Parental Consent Requirements For Students To Participate In Student-Led Clubs At Public Schools, Kelly Sherrill Linkous Esq., J.D., PH.D.
Nationwide Injunctions, Rule 23(b)(2), and the Remedial Powers of the Lower Courts, Michael T. Morley
Non-Contentious Jurisdiction and Consent Decrees, Michael T. Morley
Not So Very Bad Beginnings: What Fiction Can Teach Lawyers about Beginning a Persuasive Legal Narrative before a Court, Cathren Koehlert-Page
Pulse: Finding the Meaning in a Massacre Through Gay Latino Intersectional Justice, Judith E. Koons
Putting The Sun Back Into The Sunshine State: How Florida's Transition To Solar Power Has Brought The State Out Of The Shadows Cast By Big Oil's Energy-Monopoly, Christopher Berman
Quality Education for America’s Children with Disabilities: The Need to Protect Due Process Rights, Selene A. Almazan Esq., Andrew A. Feinstein Esq., and Denise Stile Marshall M.S.
Reforming the Contested Convention: Rethinking the Presidential Nomination Process, Michael T. Morley
Revolutionary Disobedience, Philip K. Y. Lau
Riparian Rights in a Polluted World: Property Right or Tort?, Daniel P. Fernandez
Self-Driving Cars: Autonomous Technology that Needs a Designated Duty Passenger, Michelle L.D. Hanlon
Split Decisions In Child Pornography Restitution Cases Further Injure The Victims, Melisa Medina
Stepfamilies Are Becoming The Norm, So Let's Retire Cinderella: How Stepfamilies Can Learn To Thrive, Glen-Peter Ahlers Sr.
Stepfamilies Are Becoming the Norm, So Let's Retire Cinderella: How Stepfamilies Can Learn to Thrive, Glen-Peter Ahlers Sr.
The Baseline Bar, Nadia B. Ahmad
The Case for LGBT Equality: Reviving the Political Process Doctrine and Repurposing the Dormant Commerce Clause, Terri R. Day and Danielle Weatherby
The Critical Balance Between Parents' Rights and Students' Safety - How Parental Kidnapping Poses An Acute Threat To School Security, Adrianna B. La Kam
The Crushing of a Dream: DACA, DAPA and the Politics of Immigration Law Under President Obama, Robert H. Wood
The Dangers Of Water Privatization: An Exploration Of The Discriminatory Practices Of Private Water Companies, Elana Ramos
The Earth's Atmosphere As A Global Trust: Establishing Proportionate State Responsibility To Maintain, Restore And Sustain The Global Atmosphere, Thomas Boudreau Ph.D.
The Human Rights of Sea Pirates: Will the European Court of Human Rights Decisions Get More Killed?, Barry Hart Dubner and Brian Othero
The Incipient Stages Of A Nation Recognizing Same-Sex Marriages And The Battles Their Children Face, Gina I. Thomas
The Influence of Algorithms: The Importance of Tracking Technology as Legal Educators, Brian Sites
The Legisprudence Of Florida's Alimony Reform: Why Draconic Family Law Continues To Prevail In A Modern Society, Joseph P. Formoso
The Same Sex Marriage Debate For Dummies: A Breakdown Of The Twenty-First Century's First Civil Rights Movement, Marc Anthony Consalo
Throwing Diversity Against Stark Backdrop of White Isolationism in American Public Schools, Carla-Michelle Adams, Esq.
Twenty-Five Years After Baby M: How Rules Can Bring Certainty To The World of Surrogacy Contracts
Under International Law, Must a Ship on the High Seas Fly the Flag of a State in Order to A void Being a Stateless Vessel? Is a Flag Painted on Either Side of the Ship Sufficient to Identify it?, Barry Hart Dubner and Mary Carmen Arias
Understanding Medical Records in the Twenty-First Century, Samuel D. Hodge, Jr. and Joanne Callahan
Vexatious Litigants and the ADA: Strategies to Fairly Address the Need to Improve Access for Individuals with Disabilities, Helia Garrido Hull
Victims With Responsibilities: Requiring Male Victims Of Statutory Rape To Pay Child Support With No Escape, Jessica Persaud
When Lightning Strikes: Hadley v. Baxendale's Probability Standard Applied to Long-Shot Contracts, Daniel P. O'Gorman
Willful Blindness or Deliberate Indifference: The United States' Abdication of Legal Responsibility to Refugees, Abed A. Ayoub and Yolanda C. Rondon