Content Posted in 2016
Address: The Civil Rights Approach to Campus Sexual Violence, Nancy Chi Cantalupo
Adopting an International Convention on Surrogacy—A Lesson from Intercountry Adoption, Seema Mohapatra
A National Mineral Policy As an International Investment Law Stratagem: The Case of Tajikistan's Gold Reserves, Nadia B. Ahmad
A Primer: Air and Water Environmental Quality Standards in the United State, Jason J. Czarnezki, Siu Tip Lam, and Nadia B. Ahmad
A Step by Step Look at UARG v. EPA: A New Layer of Greenhouse Gas Regulation, Kevin O. Leske
Billionaires, Birds, and Environmental Brawls: Reconceptualizing Energy Easements, Nadia B. Ahmad
Breaking Bad in the Eleventh Circuit: Assessing the Total Weight of Methamphetamine for Sentencing Purposes, Richard Pallas Jr.
Case Study on the Galapagos Islands: Balance For Biodiversity & Migration, Cesar E. Neira
Closed-End Fund IPO Considerations, Benjamin P. Edwards
Disaggregated Classes, Benjamin P. Edwards
Equal Protection for Animals, Pat Andriola
Foreign Judgments in Florida Bankruptcy Courts: Choice of Law, Statutes of Limitations, and Other Unresolved Issues, Michael Raudebaugh
For the Title IX Civil Rights Movement: Congratulations and Cautions, Nancy Chi Cantalupo
From Dust We Are and to Dust We Will Return: EU's Utopia, Greece's Bankruptcy, Carolina Kripinski
From Simple Statements to Heartbreaking Photographs and Videos: An Interdisciplinary Examination of Victim Impact Evidence in Criminal Cases, Mitchell J. Frank
Gauging the Gender Divide in the Middle East’s Educational System: Causes, Concerns, and the Impetus for Change, Nadia B. Ahmad
Hurricane Sandy and Her Lasting Environmental Impacts, Amanda Hunt
Immigration Policy and the Rhetoric of Reform: “Deport Felons, Not Families,” Moncrieffe v. Holder, Children at the Border, and Idle Promises, Terri R. Day and Leticia M. Diaz
Lack of Marketability and Minority Discounts in Valuing Close Corporation Stock: Elusiveness and Judicial Synchrony in Pursuit of Equitable Consensus, Stephen Leacock
Like a Glass Slipper on a Stepsister: How the One Ring Rules Them All at Trial, Cathren Koehlert-Page
Missouri Oil and Gas Update, Nadia B. Ahmad
Modern Debtors' Prison in the State of Florida: How the State's Brand of Cash Register Justice Leads to Imprisonment for Debt, David Angley
On the Ninth Circuit's New Definition of Piracy: Japanese Whalers v. the Sea Shepherd-Who are the Real "Pirates" (i.e. Plunderers)?, Barry H. Dubner and Claudia Pastorius
Reducing the Rate of Prison Recidivism in Florida by Providing State Corporate Income Tax Credits to Businesses as an Incentive for Employment of Ex-Felons, Heidi A. Hillyer
Remedial Equilibration and the Right to Vote Under Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment, Michael T. Morley
Reverse Nullification and Executive Discretion, Michael T. Morley
Ripples Against the Other Shore: The Impact of Trauma Exposure On The Immigration Process Through Adjudicators, Kate Aschenbrenner
Teaching and Assessing Professional Communication Skills in Law School, Denitsa R. Mavrova Heinrich
Tell Us a Story but Don’t Make it a Good One: Embracing the Tension Regarding Emotional Stories and the Federal Rule of Evidence 403, Cathren Koehlert-Page
The Erosion of the Rule of Law When a State Attorney General Refuses to Defend the Constitutionality of Controversial Laws, Rena M. Lindevaldsen
The International Sugar Trade and Sustainable Development: Curtailing the Sugar Rush, Nadia B. Ahmad
The Islamic Influence in (Pre-)Colonial and Early America: A Historico-Legal Snapshot, Nadia B. Ahmad
The New Elections Clause, Michael T. Morley
The Notion and Practice of Reputation and Professional Identity in Social Networking: From K-12 Through Law School, Roberta Bobbie Studwell
The Rise and Fall of Bad Judge: Lady Justice is No Tramp, Taylor Simpson-Wood
The Tropics Exploited: Risk Preparedness and Corporate Social Responsibility in Offshore Energy Development, Nadia B. Ahmad
The Truth (of the Matter Asserted) Is out There: Law and the Paranormal Outside the First Amendment, Christopher L. Henry
The Value of Uncertainty, Cathy Hwang and Benjamin P. Edwards
Too Many Humans, Dwindling Resources, and not Enough Space, Jorge T. Martinez
Trouble in Paradise: Maintaining the EU Ideal For Environmental Policy In Eestern Europe, Amanda L. Harb
“Turn on the Lights” -Sustainable Energy Investment and Regulatory Policy: Charting the Hydrokinetic Path for Pakistan, Nadia B. Ahmad
Under Containment: Preempting State Ebola Quarantine Regulations, Eang L. Ngov
Use of Facial Recognition Technology for Medical Purposes: Balancing Privacy with Innovation, Seema Mohapatra
War, Violence, and Punishment: A Media-Centric Approach of Sharia and American Legal Doctrines, Yazen Abdin
When Self-Policing Does Not Cut It: Cruising, RCRA, and Hazardous Waste on the High Seas, Chris Ryan and Michelle Bedoya
Workers' Compensation Law & the Remedial Waiver, Mary Kati Haupt