
Article Title

Wilding the Habitats Directive: Finding a Middle Ground for the Intrinsic Value of the Natural World in Law.


Wilding the Habitats Directive attempts to reconceptualise the prevailing anthropocentric discourse through the lens of Earth jurisprudence. It argues that the Habitats Directive, which seeks to restore and maintain natural habitats and species within the European Community by designating impacted species and habitats as specially protected with a view to restore such species and habitats to a ‘favourable’ status2, is inherently anthropocentric by analysing key anthropocentric elements of the Habitats Directive such as ‘favourable conservation status’, ‘appropriate assessment’ and ‘alternative solutions’ and ‘Imperative Reasons of Overriding Public Interest’.

Wilding the Habitats Directive explores the historical underpinnings of anthropocentrism and explores the emerging philosophy of Earth jurisprudence. Wilding the Habitats Directive attempts to find a middle ground for recognising the intrinsic value of the natural world in law, whilst recognising the prevalence of the inherent anthropocentric notion that human beings are predisposed to advance and progress but at the very least, providing people with the opportunity to advocate and represent the natural world’s intrinsic value.